Good morning, and welcome to the last Thursday Thought of 2024.
In the political realm, for diehard
Democrats, the year is one of disappointment yet again and a wondering about
where things went south. For diehard
Republicans, the year proved to be one of pleasant surprises. For the majority of us who are in the middle,
the year was one that was interesting to say the least, and only solidified our
determination to stay above the morass of political fussing and fighting.
In other societal news, mass shootings
continue virtually unabated.
Homelessness has been brought front-and-center to the collective
societal conscience. Terror, wars, and
all kinds of mayhem continue in the world.
We continue as a nation, both government and families, to spend more
than we receive.
And yet even with all of the negative,
the good, the right, and the lovely continue to shine through the darkness in
the lives of countless millions who expend their time and treasure to make
their corners of the world better for their having been there. One can rather easily cut through the muck
and find their stories…stories of generosity, grace, and love for one’s
neighbor. Stories that make the muck and
mire so much the more despised…and the desire for gentleness, goodness, and
generosity in this world so much more intense.
Many of us have experienced the loss
of a friend or loved one this year. Some
of us have gone through…or continue to go through…painful family issues. Some have fallen on hard times and difficult
circumstances. Others of us who have
largely escaped such things still cry out on behalf of our friends and loved
ones who have succumbed to tragedy and loss.
We hear and participate in a collective sighing and groaning for relief,
whether we have been personally affected by grief and loss or not.
On the other side of things, some of
us have welcomed new life into the world.
Some of us have spoken vows of fidelity to another. Some of us have made a commitment to be a
Christ follower. Some have gotten new
jobs or have graduated from school.
Maybe we were able to take that once-in-a-lifetime vacation this year,
or finally see and reconnect with a long-lost relative or friend. We may have been able to remodel the kitchen
or buy new transportation.
One thing, regardless of our
experiences this year…one thing is certain…things never stay the same. Change is constant and inevitable. Oh, it may seem like things are now just as
they were a year ago, but that isn’t true, and we all know it.
Archie Bunker of All In The Family…a
television sitcom of some years ago, once said, “I like change better when
everything stays the same.” In a way, we
all have experienced the desire that time stand still. However, the endless carefree summers of
childhoods of long ago have given way to adulthood and the continued
responsibilities and problems that come with that. Older age brings on the issues of health and
wellness, relevance and for some of older age, loneliness and the emotions
which accompany that reality.
I hope I’ve not been too dismal in
this post. The reality is, however, that
we don’t always experience rainbows and unicorns in our lives. They do come our way from time to time, but
it’s a mixed bag for virtually all of us this year as it is every year. For those of us who are Christians and are
Christ-followers, this mixed bag of life and living is not all there is, and is
not the end of things. For we believe
there is a better place that is being prepared for us by Jesus Christ
himself. A place where there is no
dismal news. A place where loneliness is
not. A place where there will be no more
loss…no more pain…no more war. We look
forward to that day and say along with the one who wrote the Revelation, “Surely
I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” That…that is our hope and our future.
So, as we go into the year 2025 (I
can’t believe I’m even saying that year, let alone entering into it), we
understand that it too will be a mixed bag…a mixed bag of blessing and
heartache. And we look to the unchanging
God of the universe as our anchor in the uncertainty of this life. May God bless you as you look to Him in this
new year.