Good morning, and welcome.
They were
discussing a passage in John regarding the Holy Spirit. In the midst of their comments on the
passage, this snippet of conversation came out.
“The church is to be a working model of heaven on earth.” For me, this was an “aha” moment.
I stopped the
video, rewound, and listened to that portion of the conversation again. I noted the place in the video where it was
found and decided to look at it again today.
I have done so, and continue to be awed by the thought.
There are a
couple of major concepts of heaven.
Without getting deep into the theological weeds of this, one of those
concepts of heaven for Christians is that at the end of time, God will take all
of the saved to some place in the great beyond…heaven, if you will…and earth
and all physical things will be
destroyed. There, we will play harps,
float on clouds, exist in some kind of
ether-like state, and be in that kind of place forever.
The other major
concept is that God will, at the end of time, reunite heaven and earth as it
originally was in the Garden of Eden.
The saved will have real bodies and live in a unified, real, actual
environment where heaven and earth become one.
We will have real work to do, will know others, and enjoy the fruits of
God’s grace.
I believe the
story of God’s love and redemption as found in the Bible points us to the
concept of a reunited heaven and earth.
Consequently, when I heard this statement: “The church is to be a working model of
heaven on earth,” I was immediately caught up in the ramifications of the idea.
So, what do I
believe this should look like? Well, I
don’t claim to have experienced any miraculous visions or dreams which might
give me a glimpse into the afterlife.
But it seems to me that there are two or three things we might consider
as we think about the concept of the church modeling what the new heavens and
new earth might be like.
First, and
perhaps most importantly, the church should model unity. In Revelation, John speaks of those he sees
in his vision of the throne of God: “I
looked,” he said, “And there before me was a great multitude that no one could
count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the
throne and before the Lamb.”
Think of
it. People from every place on earth,
from every era…from every century…all together before the throne of God. It seems to me that we need to consider how
we the church…the redeemed of God…model that in the here an now.
Second, I
believe that in this new heavens and new earth, we won’t be idle. We will be given things to do…work to do…work
that is pleasant and fulfilling. Work
that is commensurate with our abilities and talents.
The church can
and in many ways does model this now. Each
one of us has been given some kind of talent or ability. That well-used statement, “I can’t do
everything, but I can do something,” is pertinent in this context. We may not be able to cure cancer, bring
about world peace, or ensure that everyone has enough to eat, but we can each
do our part. We can work within our
sphere of influence to bring about restoration, even if it is just in one small
You may be able
to think of other ways that the church can model the new heavens and new earth. These two immediately came to my mind as I
thought about it.
I know this Thursday
Thought has been a little different than many.
I want these posts to give you a glimpse into my mind and heart as we
all continue down this road together.
So, from time to time I may wander into a little deeper subject area
such as the one today.
May God bless
you and keep you as together we experience His love and care.