Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Small Things

It isn't always easy to remember to write in my blog. I think, although I have yet to look, that it has been several days since I last wrote. Since that time, we've had what seems to be days and days of cloudiness, drizzle, and the threat (although it never materialized) of a foot of snow.
This is the seventh day that it has been cloudy. It's the first day since Saturday that we've not had some kind of drizzle or moisture. And the snow threat that had been talked about since a week ago Sunday resulted in about ¾ inch of moisture, with about an inch of snow rather than the foot of snow everyone was talking about.
Yes, I know that some people got a foot or more. But we didn't. That's more to my liking anyway. Snow just keeps things cold, is a pain to drive in, and makes for a slushy mess for days on end. Besides, our dog is afraid she'll get lost in the snow, and insists I make a bare place for her to do her business outside. I guess that's OK, but it is always a little embarrassing when I have to explain why I started shoveling a place in the yard, only to stop after 10 feet or so.
At least she's not at the stage in life, even though she's almost 15, where we have to let her out every hour. I should be thankful for the small things.

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