Thursday, May 06, 2010

Some of Both

I was going about my business this morning when I discovered that I was unknowingly humming a tune. I don't do that very often, but was today. I hummed it consciously for a couple of seconds and determined that it was the song “500 Miles” by Peter, Paul, and Mary.
I normally don't get songs stuck in my brain, but this one seemed to be lodged there rather firmly. I sat down, Googled the song, and played it on YouTube as performed in the early 1960's by the group. How quickly the years receded and I was again at home listening to my transistor radio tuned to KLEO (1480 in Wichita). A flood of songs came gushing through my consciousness as I recalled hit after hit performed by them in the decade of the British invasion, social upheaval, culture change, flower power, LSD, The Pill, and the War.
And as I listened to that haunting music as sung by Mary, I shed a tear...not for her passing from this life, but for the passing of an era. IPods, instant messaging, Droids, and Google can't hold a candle to that time and their music. Some things are timeless. Some are almost divine. Peter, Paul, and Mary may well be some of both.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We listened to KOMA - Oklahoma City! I can still hear their jingle. The passing of an era - and so many not knowing what they missed. - Kathy