Thursday, September 16, 2021

Some Random Thoughts


I have struggled this week to find an acceptable topic for my Thursday Thought.  I have had an avalanche of thoughts and ideas go through my head over the weekend and earlier this week, but none have really gelled as they usually do.  So let me just give you an idea of what’s been happening this week in the way of my thoughts for this Thursday video.

I’ve had thoughts about both the beauty & loveliness of the created order, and also about the brokenness of that same creation.  Earlier this week, I stood about three feet away from the hummingbird feeder we keep in our yard and I observed that beauty, watching up to five hummers fighting and tormenting one-another for control of the feeder.  Of course, none ever really got hurt…it was all aerial acrobatics, divebombing, and posturing.  And the hummers seemed unconcerned that I was within touching distance of them when they managed to land on the feeder and sip some nectar.  It was a sort of surreal experience, and one that held me for probably 15 or so minutes…just watching and marveling.

On the other side of that, and in line with the brokenness of the creation, one encounter with a homeless person stands out.  Mary is a frequent flyer at the church.  She never has a lot of need, but always has some small need…a bottle of water, food enough for a sort of a meal, or just someone to talk to who isn’t going to take advantage of her in some way.  She’s an older woman, and I have no idea how she’s managed to survive on the street for as long as she has.

This week, she needed a little food & water, and someone to talk to for a few minutes.  She also wanted us to keep a prized possession of hers…a small rock with a John Deere tractor logo embedded in it…in the office for safe keeping so it wouldn’t be stolen.  Her rambling explanation of the small limestone rock didn’t make much sense to me except that I gather it belongs, or once belonged to her daughter.  We visited some out on the lawn in the shade of a tree, and I accepted the rock and told her she could come get it any time the office was open.

I’ve also had thoughts about the state of the world today, politics, Afghanistan, COVID, elections, and all that goes along with those topics, which I’ll melt into a sort of unified thought.  And that thought is this:  I don’t know enough, and will never know enough to truly know whether this policy, that decision, some rule or regulation, or a court decision is really the right and correct one for the time and situation.  I’m not an expert in international relations.  I have very little knowledge of the law, the courts, and the legal system.  I’m not privy to the conversations, diplomatic cables, intelligence briefings, and other information needed to make an informed decision regarding policy and practice.

I have opinions, yes.  But my opinions are no more and no less valid than anyone else’s.  And the opinions I hold are based on very little factual information, which has been further biased by my world view and the world views of those who gave me the information.  I am in no way the all-knowing god of what is right and wrong, good and bad.  And neither are you.  It’s time we all accepted that fact, speak less, listen more, and lavish grace upon one-another.  As the Apostle Paul says in the New Testament, “Let your conversation be filled with grace…”

I have had many more thoughts this past week, but I’ll end with this one.  I’ve seen the value of human relationship.  Now, I’m not talking about the casual, “How are you?”  “I’m fine,” relationship, but rather the deeper, more personal, and beneficial relationships that we have with a relative few individuals.  People who will, with a text or phone call drop what they are doing and come to the aid of their friend, whatever the need may be.  People who will listen without judgment.  People who will enjoy just being there.  People who can be counted on unconditionally, in any circumstance, at any time, in any way.

These people may be best friends.  They may be someone who is part of the family.  They may be a co-worker or member of the church family.  Or they may be someone you don’t even know who has stepped up into the gap, so to speak, to protect and serve…with their life if necessary.  I’ve seen that in action this week.  And it makes me proud to be a human being…grateful to have such people in my life.

I trust you too have such people in your life.  I also trust that you will see the beauty of the creation that surrounds you, will understand and work to mitigate the brokenness that is among us, and will measure each word you speak, think, or write in terms of the grace that accompanies it.

May your Thursday be a blessed day.

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