Thursday, June 09, 2022

A Better Way

 I’ve not avoided the subject that is on everyone’s mind right now…but I’ve not said much about it either.  Today, I’d like to visit with you some about violence in our society.  Right now, we tend to think of gun violence, mass shootings and the like when we think about a violent society.  That’s only natural because of the recent events that have been reported by the media.  It seems that schools, churches, malls, and even hospitals are not immune from the threat of someone with a violent nature causing irreparable and incredible harm to innocents.

Violence in this society, however, manifests in ways and with instruments other than just firearms.  Think about it.  Road rage, domestic violence, fights and altercations, sexual violence, bullying of all kinds, aggressiveness and hostility…all of these are forms of violence that are part of our culture.  Many of those kinds of violence don’t use firearms, or for that matter any external weapon at all.

Certainly, there are times when society needs to concentrate on one particular kind of violence.  Domestic and sexual violence are a couple of areas where we have chosen recently to concentrate our efforts to mitigate.  And now, with the recent knowledge of the mass shootings in many parts of our nation, our energies are being concentrated on how to mitigate the incidence of these kinds of events.

It isn’t my purpose here to tell you what I think we should do politically about firearm violence, domestic violence, road rage, or any other form of violence.  I’m not a politician.  I’ve often said that I don’t have the political answers, and I’m not even sure at times what questions to ask.  I do have thoughts and ideas, but will keep them to myself regarding political solutions.  Instead, I’d like to, as the now well-worn saying goes, “drill down” to more of the root causes and what can be done.  And that means a journey into the spiritual side of things.

First, violence will always be with us.  This fallen creation…this fallen world…has been a harborer and encourager of violence ever since Cain killed his brother Abel.  No one is immune from either committing some kind of violence or being the recipient of some kind of violence.  We will never eliminate it…we can only help mitigate it with political solutions…laws, law enforcement, education, prevention, etc.

Second, Christianity has always been, and is, counter-cultural.  Where the norm is me-first, Christianity is “love your neighbor.”  Where the norm is grab-all-you-can-get-while-you-can-get-it, Christianity is “God loves a cheerful giver, and Honor God with your wealth.”  Where the norm is self-superiority, Christianity is “whoever is the greatest…let him be your servant.”

Third, mixing the Christian faith with politics and political/ideological dogma is a great mistake and a grave wrong.  Political evangelicalism is part of our culture now, as is other kinds of the blending of religion with political and ideological dogma.  God isn’t a Republican.  Nor is He a Democrat.  He’s not a Libertarian either.  He’s not on “our side,” and can’t be used in that way.  God is God…the author and ruler of the universe.  How dare we reduce God to a certain political party or one side of a societal issue!

“OK,” you say.  “So, what DO we do about the violence and apparent uptick in violence in our society?”

First, it’s OK for a Christian to be active in political things.  Running for office, voting, communicating with one’s elected representatives, and even contributing to a political party are all well and good.  However, to make these kinds of things the substance and be-all of one’s life is to place politics and political activism as one’s god.  It’s idolatry, plain and simple.

Second, Christians need to understand that God doesn’t take political sides.  He’s not on “our side” because we’re the “good guys,” and God just has to be for the good guys…how could He possibly be for anyone else?  God’s ways are not our ways.  After all, God establishes governments and rulers…all governments and rulers.  Look around at the governments that have been in history and are now.  Do you really believe that God established them all and permitted them to rule?  If you don’t, you disagree with the Apostle Paul in his Roman letter where he says, “there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”  Again, I say with emphasis…”God’s ways are not our ways.”

Third, the only cure for violence in culture is Jesus Christ.  Only Jesus can wipe violence away.  Only Jesus can cleanse one’s heart.  Only Jesus can restore, heal, and forgive.  Our job as Christians is to tell the story of Jesus…to plant the seeds of restoration, forgiveness, and redemption.  It’s not our job to tell God what side He has to be on.  It’s not our job to make sure things work out politically as we think God would want them to work out…God’s perfectly capable of making sure His will is accomplished without our help.  And it’s not our job to meld the Christian faith with political ideology.

I trust this has helped you somewhat as you process recent events and search for answers.  Above all, remember, God is still on the throne and one day will make all things new.  While we look forward to that day, we also know that we need to emulate Jesus in our lives…kindness, compassion, gentleness, meekness, generosity, service, and so on.  In doing that, we show the world a better way.





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