Thursday, August 11, 2022

I Don't Know


Good morning!

 Those of you who read my Facebook posts may have seen this last week.  I’m re-telling the story here with some added thoughts.

Last Friday evening we were invited to a birthday party at the home of one of our nieces and nephews who live in the Wichita area.  The birthday was for one of their kids, our grandnephew.  Although it was warm, their outdoor back patio was a pleasant, shady spot with a very gentle breeze where we enjoyed the company of others in the family.  We brought our plates of burgers, salads, and desserts out there to eat and enjoy, and watched the assorted young ones playing and occasionally having differences of opinion.

Later in the evening, we were beginning to wrap things up.  My sister and I were sitting next to each other in patio chairs, with others joining us in a kind of circular fashion.  Sis and I mentioned to each other that it was about time to leave.  We then visited with our respective spouses and all agreed.

I got up along with Sis and moved toward the back door of the house along with my wife and her hubby.  I no sooner had gotten to the back door, about 15 seconds after getting out of my chair, than the huge limb that had been shading that area came crashing down on the patio.  We all were rather dumbfounded at the event, as the limb appeared to be healthy.  There was little to no wind.  There would have been no reason for the limb to have come down.

Once we determined that no one was under the limb and all of us were OK, some of us took the limb down farther so it would no longer be a hazard.  We tied a rope to it and tugged on it to get it to come on down all the way.  Before we did that, though, I looked at where Sis and I had been just a few seconds before it fell.  Our chairs were bent and thrown over backward.  We would have been in the thick of the fallen limb with several large branches right over our chairs.  Had we been in those chairs, we would not have had time to get out of the way, and we would both have been in the hospital or worse as a result of the fallen limb.

Several respondents to my Facebook post about this spoke of God’s work in keeping us safe.  Others simply wished us well and were grateful for our not being hurt.  I myself have been thinking about what role God had to play in this incident, if any.  I must tell you that none of us received any kind of prior warning, whether physical or spiritual.  We received no premonitions, no visions, no nudging, no feeling of doom…nothing that would have prompted us to leave when we did.  We’ve done these kinds of gatherings many times before.  The conversation about time to leave is a normal part of how we work things.  There was nothing unusual here in that regard.

Did God somehow prompt us, unbeknownst to us, to get up when we did?  The short answer is, “I don’t know.”  I certainly believe He COULD have nudged us somehow to leave when we did.  But then it could have been a fortuitous circumstance as well.  Bad things do happen to people.  Bad things happen to good people.  We experience car wrecks and bad storms & floods.  We become ill, sometimes with terminal conditions such as cancer, ALS, or dementia.  We may be hit with depression, anxiety attacks, or a bad case of ADHD.  We fall down a flight of stairs.  We break bones.  We are badly burned in a fire accident of some kind.  And yes, limbs and other things fall on us.  If God protects us in some cases, there are many times when that protection is not there, even for the most committed and faithful of God’s children.

I am reminded of several things found in the Bible having to do with this.  One of the first was the plight of the apostles in the book of Acts as the church was being established.  Peter, John, Paul and others suffered mightily at the hands of others.  Yes, there were times when God provided some kind of direct protection.  Still, there were other times when they languished in prison, were beaten, or had some other calamity befall them.  If anyone was committed and faithful, the apostles were.

Then there were the prophets of the Old Testament who suffered greatly because they had the courage to speak the message of God to the people.  Yes, God at times protected them as well.  But there were many times when that protection wasn’t there and there was some great suffering that took place.

I am also reminded of the incident Jesus told about the Tower of Siloam falling on some people.  Jesus asked the question of whether these people were worse sinners than others because this happened to them.  He emphatically said that was NOT the case.  Now, I realize the context and point of the story isn’t about bad things happening to good people, but the point I made is there.

So, the question remains whether God provided protection for us against the fallen limb.  And that question will continue to remain, because I just don’t know.

I WILL say that I am grateful for being spared, however it happened.  I am thankful that I didn’t end up in the hospital or funeral home.  I cherish life and living, however many hours and days I may have left.  I know that some time in the future, be that near or far away, my body will cease to function.  I don’t know if that will happen because of illness, trauma, or just old age.  But I do know, as the song says, “Who holds tomorrow; and I know Who holds my hand.”



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