Thursday, April 13, 2006

On Our Own

It’s been a couple of days since I’ve blogged.  As you know from my last post, my computer went into the shop for repairs.  It came back, has been re-loaded, and seems to be in good shape.  I’m still finding things that I need to adjust on it to get it the way I want it, but so far, so good.
Wouldn’t it be nice if life was like that?  I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if the slate could be wiped clean and we could start over with a “new install”?  The old baggage, memories, emotional garbage, and rot of a past life could be swept away with the touch of a button, so to speak.  We could start afresh, renewed, with new registry files and clean store rooms.
Of course, there would be down sides, too.  The experiences, trials, and lessons of life lived would also be done away.  We’d be naïve babies in a grown-up world.  We wouldn’t have a clue how to deal with this person or handle that situation.  We’d quickly foul up the registry files and pollute the storage areas with dirt that wouldn’t have to have been, had we maintained the benefits of the past.
Life is what it is.  We can change parts of it, but we have to deal with the rest.  We can do that on our own, or we can get help from something or someone greater than ourselves.  Life is too important for us to foul it up by dealing with it on our own.

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