Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Perfect Day

Today is just about the perfect spring day. The temperature is perfect (72 degrees), the wind is perfect (5 to 10 miles an hour out of the south), the sky is perfect (a few wispy clouds in an otherwise blue universe), and the lack of having to do anything right away is perfect.
The wildlife out back along the creek is enjoying the day as well. Squirrels chase each other up and down branches and jump from tree to tree, thoroughly enjoying life. A flicker pecks at an ever-widening hole in a dead tree on the other creek bank. A brown creeper alights on a branch, spirals up the branch to the top, then flies to another and starts over. A ground rat on the creek bank pokes his head above ground and hurries to the place where a neighbor throws corn for the critters. He gobbles a few bites, then hurries back to his den.
People in the park on the other side of the creek are playing Frisbee golf, cycling, loafing, and walking. One or two walk slowly enough to enjoy the scenery and animals. Once in a while a couple walk, holding hands.
I’ve told you about the wildlife and park before. Those things are, as you might guess, an important part of my day. There’s a reason for that. You see, it’s easy to see all of this right now, because the tree leaves aren’t out yet, obscuring the view. When later spring comes and the trees leaf out, much of the view will be gone. So I enjoy it while I can, and drink in the wonder of it all. For it won’t be long until it’s too hot, too steamy, and too obscured to really enjoy the sights.

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