Monday, April 23, 2007

"This is the day"

“This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” So says the Good Book regarding one aspect of the relationship of God to His creation.
Those of us who pray many times thank God for the day along with the things that He provides…shelter, food, etc. It’s a good thing to do, for it acknowledges that we indeed are dependent on God for the things that we have to have to live.
I know it’s a small thing, but we always, it seems, thank God for the day in past tense. In other words, when we think of God creating the day, we think in past tense…He has created it.
In a sense, that is correct. However, in a greater sense, I think, it is a miscarriage of our understanding of the nature of God and His work to think of this as a past tense event. Although it is difficult for me to do, I now try very hard to think of God in a continual creation mode, unfolding the day as it goes along. You see, God is always in the present tense. There is never any future tense or past tense with God. That's why Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Anything He does, He does in the here and now.
So I like to think of God as continually unfolding the day before us…continually creating…continually working…continually in tune with and in harmony with His creation.
If you’ve not thought that way about God before now, try it. Try imagining God continually at work unfolding and revealing the present tense to you as you hurtle through life’s existence. Hopefully, the exercise in doing this will enable you to comprehend even more the awesome and mighty God of heaven and earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for this entry!