Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Enough Rain

Well, we’ve had enough rain. At least in my own flawed judgment, we’ve had enough. What the Almighty has in mind, I don’t know.
Wichita actually was spared a lot of the worst of the rainfall. However, there are several creeks that flow into or near the city from other places, and the Arkansas and Little Arkansas rivers meet downtown. So we are having our share of flood warnings along with many others in the central and south-central parts of the state.
We own a home in Harper County and found out from the renter yesterday evening that water had run into the crawl spaces under the house. It soaked up the dirt to the extent that part of a supporting structure was compromised. I don’t know what I’m going to do with that, but the renter has said he’ll call someone down there that he and I both know, and have the man look at it for me. Whatever it is, it will be costly, I’m sure.
It is said that God works in His time. We’ve been praying in Kansas off and on for rain for the past five years or more. This spring, finally, he has chosen to end the ongoing drought in Kansas and other places in this part of the world. In a big way, God has chosen to provide water to nourish crops, flush away dirt and debris, and fill reservoirs.
I thought of the words of a verse of a short song this morning as I did my morning chores in the bathroom. I’ll end with them.

It is enough.
Earth’s troubles soon shall cease
And Jesus calls us to heaven’s perfect peace.

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