Sunday, December 21, 2008

We Won't Like It

In my earlier blog, I talked of my belief that God will hold us as a nation accountable for how we treat the down and out, the widow and child. Don't, however, think for a moment that I have abdicated individual responsibility in these areas and given all to the government. On the contrary, even though government can provide many services and beneficial programs for those who have need, it is the individual who truly must step up and be the front line, so to speak, in this area.
Whether that person helps someone in his family, volunteers at a school, donates time and effort to an after-school program, mentors a child, or provides a family's basic needs, it is the individual working both alone and collectively with others that will truly make the difference.
Yes. I believe with all my heart that someone, somewhere in government will have to answer to God Almighty for how they have treated the widows of veterans. I believe with all my being that someone, somewhere in government will have to account for the lack of funds that resulted in the mentally ill to go out to the streets. However, I also believe that each one of us individually will be given the opportunity to account for our action or inaction when it comes to providing "a cup of cold water in (Jesus') name."
I think we will one day be utterly amazed (and dismayed) at the things God will hold us to account for in this life. We seem to think that He'll hold to account the axe murderers and the prostitutes (and I think He will do that if they aren't forgiven). But I also think He has things on his list that aren't even on our radar screens.
I know the idea of a little black book where God writes all of the bad things we do seems quaint and out of touch. But somewhere, somehow, the poor, the abused, the widow, the child, the orphan, and the mentally ill will have their day and have their say. And we'll be on the receiving end of it and we won't like it very much.
Neither will God.

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