Monday, January 12, 2009

On The Way

Well, I guess I need to draw myself up and blog again. I chastise others for not blogging and now find myself more days down than I care to have between blogs. I don't know, though, it was kind of nice to take a brief break, especially since I haven't been feeling well the last couple of weeks.
You may well know what that's like; you get some viral bug that settles in your sinuses, then seems to migrate to the various parts of your body that cause the most grief for you when disturbed. It seems those bugs can't settle in your earlobe or your hair; no, they have to lodge in your intestinal tract, you lungs, or your sinuses. I was going to say "Stupid bugs," but that isn't true at all. They seem to know how to be one step ahead of the latest medicines and two steps ahead of the home cures.
Life continues, even when you'd much rather it just all stop until you're feeling better. Meetings, work, church, and all the rest just continue on, and your choice is whether or not you're going to submit to the bugs and miss them all or endure in spite of them. Sometimes one can endure. Often the bugs win, though, and whether we like it or not, our bodies say, "I'm not taking another step. I think I'll just lie down right here."
On a more serious note, one of these days when my body says it's going to lie down right here, it won't get up again. It'll be the final curtain call. I still don't know quite what I think about that, but I continue to become more and more enamored with the idea that there is a better life ahead where the bugs not only don't win, they don't even exist. My uncle signs off his blogs with "Pilgrim on the way." He may or may not be closer to wherever "on the way" takes him, but I know we both agree that what is there is so much better than what is here....

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