Monday, February 16, 2009

It Happened Again

Well, it happened again. Tonight as we were just finishing eating at a local restaurant and getting up to leave, someone in a close booth greeted me by name. I looked at them and vaguely recalled them from our home community an hour or so southwest of here, but I couldn’t place them any more than that.
I was surprised, and said so, and tried to find some connection that would help me with the inevitable ensuing conversation. I found nothing in the 18 brain cells that I have left, so I just went along for the ride.
Come to find out they were up here after putting her dad in a care facility. They were eating before they went home. We visited some about our work, their situation, and not much else. Then I found an opening and left.
After we left the restaurant, I told the wife to not ask because I didn’t have a clue. She allowed as how they must be connected with me by EMS or the hospital, since she would know anyone else, but may not know some of those folks. I still don’t have a clue.
I suppose after the conversation, they asked each other, “Do you suppose he knew who we were?” I hate it that I can’t remember names, and don’t recognize people. I looked at them pretty much the whole time we were in the restaurant, as they were just beyond our table, but I never had a flicker of recognition the whole time.
I have to think that it doesn’t get any better as I age, but it wasn’t good when I was young. So I guess I’ll just have to swallow hard the next time and say something like, “You look familiar and I should know you, but can you help out an old man?” Maybe that would do it with enough humor that it would get us past the awkward part of my not remembering.

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