Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting Things Done

I must admit that I’ve been negligent in following the blogs I used to follow with Metamucil regularity. One sister is traipsing to Ohio to look for a long-lost great aunt and the other is trying to find herself amidst the many changes of middle age and life. A cousin is relishing her first year of teaching school and other people either haven’t written in a month of Sundays or have closed down their blogs. Is blogging going out of style? Do people not have enough time any more to even blog? I know I don’t do it as often as I’d like…it’s not a question of time for me but rather of inspiration. Many times in the evening I just don’t feel like writing; I’ve already been “consumed” by the events of the day.
Let’s see. Today is a day off for us because the nursing home where I work has this day (Good Friday) as a holiday. I went to the bank, got a haircut, and will take a load of trashy yard waste out to my brother’s place where he can legally burn it. The wife is shopping for stuff and isn’t back yet.
I was going to work on our goldfish pond today, but the wind and cold may prevent that. Tomorrow we will be going to the in-laws so that day is shot for anything productive around the house. Sundays I usually don’t like to do a lot of heavy work, but may have to in order to get things done.
Weekends seem to be more fully occupied than ever. We go here or have this to do there. And it many times is an all-day thing, or at least enough of the day so that we can’t do anything else. Then we get into the work week and before we know it, we’re behind.
My sitting here writing in my blog isn’t getting anything done today, so….

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Quite a few people are getting into facebook nowadays, and don't have time to do blogging in addition. I have facebook also, but find it to be used mostly by the younger set. I'm often remiss on my blog just because I don't have the inspiration for it, as you say. I'll try again today.