Sunday, June 14, 2009

Deeds Follow

I’m not sure what to make of those of you who never blog because you can’t find anything about which to write. Several times in the past few days I’ve run across something that prompts a thought that it might make for a good blog entry. Now, I’ll admit that when I actually sit down to write, that thought doesn’t seem nearly as good as it did when I first thought about it, but who’s counting.
I’ll not give you the specifics, but this past week at work I ran across a situation where the professional who installed an item knew at the time that he was installing it incorrectly (because of what it was, he HAD to have known), yet he installed it anyway and tried to cover what he did. This wasn’t just any yokel from down the street. If I told you the name of the plumbing and heating contractor that did this, you folks in the immediate Wichita area would know right away who it was.
In any event, I contacted the general contractor who did our building and let loose with one of my “not acceptable” speeches. The general contractor generously provided a man to contact the offending company, stay with the repairs, and make sure that they were done as they should have been done. They will even improve the installation with things not in the original plan at no cost to me.
I guess that’s OK, but that doesn’t change my perception of this plumbing/heating contractor as someone who just doesn’t give a rip. And it’s not just this incident, but others I’ve encountered over time that have solidified that perception in my mind. I’d not use him at my home if he would be the last heating guy in Wichita. I’d sooner shiver in a cold house than to use him. OK, well maybe not THAT, but close.
Why do people do things like that? What drives them to cut corners, do shoddy work, and cheat on something that should be done correctly? Is it greed? Stupidity? Ignorance? Laziness? I don’t know the answer to that, and I suspect it’s not quite that simple and easy. Nevertheless, it’s a pain in the rear to have to go back later on and fix what should have been done right the first time.
I know I’m not perfect. I know I’ve cut corners. I know I’ve been lazy. And I know that I’ve been stupid. Those times, however, were I believe few and far between. I was always taught to do it right and do my best, especially if someone else was paying for the service. By and large, I think I’ve tried to live that way.
I now wonder what else this contractor did at my workplace that is not up to snuff and that I will find one of these days. kind of makes one just a wee bit nervous. Thankfully, he is NOT working on our new facility in Derby. Someone else has that bid.
It really is true that our deeds follow us. I wonder why so many seem to have trouble believing that.

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