Saturday, September 18, 2010

Do It Again??

I was perusing a couple of blogs down here on my computer. The TV was on, and someone was singing. One of the lyrics caught my ear. It was, “I love life; I’d do it again.” I stopped perusing blogs and thought about that line. No, I would not say that. I don’t want to live life again. I like where I am at this time in this place, and look forward not only to the future here, but eternity.
I’m tired. I’ve worked for almost 45 years, earning money for myself and for my family. I’m ready to do something else. No, I’m not ready to give up and die. I have too many plans…too much on the hook…too much in mind to ever spend a lot of time in my easy chair. The kids are raised, we’re enjoying the grandkids, and we have more than enough of the basics of food, clothing, and shelter.
We have been, and are being blessed beyond compare. Why, in heaven’s name, would I want to go back and do it all again?

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