Monday, August 22, 2011

A Little Catching Up

I haven’t written in awhile. My, has it been since 5 August? Sometimes feelings get in the way of the catharsis of doing something one enjoys. And that seems to be what’s happened here. Although I can’t explain it, and am not sure I want to try, it seems that I just haven’t been worth much lately. However, it’s time to get out of that mode and into a mode that is more attuned to life and living than being and existing.
One thing that has helped that considerably was being at the last performance of our church’s black light puppet troupe last night. For some reason, and somehow, I knew that there was no better place for me to be and nothing better for me to experience than what was going on there at that time. Although I have some difficulty with some of the music and lyrics (understanding them…didn’t they say the same thing about us back in the 1960’s?), the energy was palpable, the crowd was delighted (and delightful), and the environment was electric.
The new troupe needs to get organized and have a show ready for Oklahoma by October 2. That’s only about 6 weeks, and will involve some intensive planning and practice. And with the flooding in our church basement ruining some of the puppet props, there is an urgency that wasn’t there before to make sure everything is ready to go.
Everyone involved has a lot of other things to do besides puppet shows. The kids are starting school; parents are working and maintaining a family; staff has other duties including a new Sunday School year, and everyone seems to be going 3 miles a minute. Somehow, though, in all of this, I suspect that the new show will be a hit and folks will come through in spades.
I am excited about the new church year (although our fiscal year starts February 1, I think of our church year starting when school starts), and am looking forward to watching and participating in God’s working in the lives of His people. The Kingdom of God is, I believe, wherever God is, and He is alive and well in His Kingdom in Wichita, Kansas.
So, come with me this next year. I can’t promise I’ll write twice a week, or that I’ll tell you all that is happening. But this promises to be the “day the Lord has made.” We will indeed “rejoice and be glad in it.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back! - kathy