Sunday, September 04, 2011

No Complaints

It has been a tough summer. For some, that could mean they were unemployed, lost jobs, or are under-employed. For others, that could mean they lost a friend or loved one. Still others may relate to loss of health, wealth, or some other asset. While I readily agree that these are all relevant to the statement, my intent is to talk about the weather.
Yes, the weather. Many places set records this year for the highest temperatures, the most temperatures above a certain level, the highest average temperature, or some other heat-related record. Air conditioners ran at peak capacities, electric utilities were strained, budgets were strained, and everything seems to be exhausted from battling the heat of the summer.
Trees don’t look good. Grass is dry. Animals are stressed. It seems that the whole creation outside has aged several years in just a few months. Many areas are short of rainfall. What rain that fell was quickly evaporated or absorbed by the thirsty environment.
Humans too had to fight. Yes, many of us have air conditioning nowadays. Many of us spend thirty seconds in the Dillons parking lot walking from our air conditioned auto to the air conditioned store and complain about the heat. I know many of us have it a lot nicer and better than even a generation or two ago. Yet not all people had the advantage of air conditioning. Not all were able to hibernate in cool lower levels of nice homes while the heat raged outside. Not all could avoid excessive sweating and the general wearing-down of the elements. Some had to work outside in the daytime. Others lived outside all hours of the day and night. And some, although they had a home, did not have air conditioning. It happens…regularly.
Today was beautiful. The front came through during the evening past. Today was dry, not a cloud in the sky, and cool. Refreshingly cool. I wasn’t even certain that these kinds of days existed anymore. And it looks as if it will last awhile.
“Thank you, God,” seems to be so little and so trite. Yet that’s all I can think of to express my gratitude that perhaps the 100 degree days are over for this year. Yes, it will get warm again before it gets colder. No, the weather won’t be ideal very often the rest of the year. Yes, I’ll complain again. But today, there are no complaints. Only gratitude.

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