Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The New Year Rut

The holidays are over and the grind of short daylight hours, cold weather, and holiday bills begins. Some of us will recover nicely from the holidays; some never will. For some the holidays were everything they thought they would be and more; for others, they were yet another time of unfulfilled expectations.
The year-end holiday season is a mixed blessing, it seems. Yes, I know that Christians who celebrate the birth of Jesus during this part of the year truly enjoy this time and deepen their faith and relationship with God. It’s the other part of the holiday season, though, that can be a mixed blessing. Family get-togethers and the expectations of gifting are the mixed blessings, at least in my mind.
Many families can come together and enjoy the company, the visiting and re-connecting, and the fellowship. Other families come together and fuss, fight and fly the fur. Many people give and receive gifts with thanksgiving and gratitude. Others indulge their more greedy and selfish side.
In any event, for those of us who live life in a comfortable rut, we are shaken out of that rut for a couple of weeks and now are only too happy to get back into it as soon as possible. There’s an indescribable comfort in a rut. It’s predictable. It’s satisfying. And it enables folks to tackle the things in life that come unannounced without having to also worry about the routine.
So, 2012 is here and the world gets back to work today. In many ways, things will continue as they always have. The sun will rise; the sun will set. It will rain; it will snow; it will be warm; it will be cold. Spring will come and nature will burst out in bloom and life. There is a continuity in the creation that is predictable and satisfies just as a person’s rut is predictable and is satisfying. Enjoy the year and enjoy your days.
Have a blessed new year.

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