Friday, June 29, 2012

Thirty Eight Years

Well, it’s been 38 years.  Now, I know that compared with some, that’s not a long time.  But 1974 seems to be so far away now.  Even having kids at home seems to be rather far in the past.  And, oh my, we can’t count on both hands the number of places we’ve lived in since then!  In fact, it takes almost three hands to make a good count.
There are mountains and there are valleys that appear in the last 38 years.  There are some level plains and some rainy periods.  There is a drought or two and there are some fierce storms.  But we’ve emerged from each of these intact, if not weathered just a little from the experience.
And we’ve also emerged more mature…in thought and in deed as well as in appearance.  We’ve mellowed over the years, and have found some ruts we like to inhabit.  But we also are yet willing to step out of them occasionally and try something new.  (Of course, moving as often as we have, we have to be willing to try something new from time to time.)
My partner in this life journey told me long ago that her home is wherever I am.  That brings about an immediate comfort and peace; yet it also brings on a responsibility to provide a place where we can “be”.  As I look back on these years, I see the hand of Someone greater than I working, leaning, nudging, and intervening to mold and shape and form.  There were times when I pretty much ignored that Someone.  There were times when I felt like I had nothing left other than that Someone.  And there were times when I felt He and I were truly partners in this life adventure, just as Pat has been my partner.
I surely look forward to whatever time we have in life.  There will continue to be mountains and valleys.  There will continue to be new things come our way.  There will continue to be ruts to comfortably walk in.  And surely, there will be yet another place to move to.  But the greatest hope is that there will continue to be that “partnership” with the One who knows, leads, saves, and loves.  Because THAT is the foundation; the basis; the rock upon which we live and move and have our very being.

Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand;
I am tired; I am weak; I am worn.
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light;
Take my hand, precious Lord; lead me home

Words by Thomas A. Dorsey

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