Monday, June 18, 2012

Wondering No More

In church yesterday, we opened the services with a prayer.  The man who led the prayer prefaced it with a desire to pray specifically for one of our members who has spent over a month in a medical intensive care unit due to serious health issues.  The family of the patient was sitting directly behind us.  We had the prayer, then a scripture reading.  Following that, we had our first set of songs.
The songs that were selected this day were songs of praise, generally.  “Awesome Power”, “We Praise Thee, O God”, “How Great Thou Art”, and “He is Exalted” were some.  You get the picture.  I wondered as I looked over the listing of songs just how well they would go over with the serious and sobering opening of services, praying for Don (name changed) and requesting the continued intervention of God in his health and well-being.  I especially wondered how well the family would be able to participate.
I needn’t have wondered.  The singing coming from the row behind me was fervent, passionate, and whole-hearted.  I know there have been multiple times of the two-steps-forward-one-step-back syndrome with Don’s recovery, and corresponding disappointment  and encouragement.  I know things are tough in the family right now with a bread-winner not able to work.  I know lives have been turned upside down and a lot of things have been put on hold for the duration.
Yet there is a faith and hope in this family which transcends the immediate issues.  There is a peace and tranquility that is palpable.  There is a love for and reliance on a God who is very real and tangible.
Such a testimony is sometimes rare in these days of instant gratification and selfishness.  And such a testimony is refreshing, causing pause as we ponder the unponderable and attempt to know the unknowable.  We wonder if we could offer similar testimony to the goodness of God if we were in that same position in life.  And we thank God we don’t yet, anyway, have to find out the answer to that question.

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