Wednesday, February 20, 2013

They're Still "Good"

Cardinals, titmice, chickadees, juncos, sparrows…all of these varieties of birds and probably more that I haven’t seen yet have been enjoying the grains and seeds I’ve put out on the patio and deck today.  I usually feed the birds, but when it’s warmish and no snow on the ground, they don’t come all that much.  But when the snow comes or it gets very cold, they’re all over the feast on the deck.
An interesting creation, birds.  Carrying very small brains, but having within them somehow the knowledge of flight and a small body that manages to stay warm in the coldest weather, birds in general are a lesson in both the simple and the complex.
For example, the chicken incubates her eggs for about 21 days.  During that time, the egg goes from a single cell to a chick complete with the knowledge to scratch the ground for food, drink water, and huddle together for warmth.  Baby ducks, ducklings, incubate for two or three days longer, and come out of the shell with the knowledge of water and swimming.  Other birds incubate their eggs for a longer or shorter time, but all come out of the shell with inherent knowledge of how to survive.
As simple and as stupid as one might think birds are, they in reality retain within them an amazing knowledge of direction and place in the environment, where to look for the food that they need, the dynamics of flight, how to raise their young, how to build a nest, and for many, where to migrate, how to get there, and how to get back…never having been there before.
We used to call someone a “dumb cluck” when we thought that person was less than intelligent somehow.  Of course, we were referring to a chicken.  But my mind about chickens and birds in general was changed when we kept chickens for several years when the boys were little.  There is nothing stupid or dumb about a chicken, or other kind of bird, for that matter.
These creatures of God’s creation do their part in the great scheme of things, and are good, just as they were millennia ago when He first created them and called them “good”.

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