Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We Will Be There

One would think that with several days of non-activity, one would be able to post a blog on time.  For those two or three of you who read this, I try to post a blog every week no later than Tuesday on each of my blogs (work and personal).  The work blog was posted yesterday, on time.  The personal blog, well, this is it and it’s late.  And we’ve had several snow days this past week and a weekend in between.  We never lost power at the house and had I had plenty of time to do this, but no.  I just had to procrastinate, and now I’m doing a late one on Wednesday.
Would I be labeled as “old” if I said I actually enjoyed several days of not having much to do and being at home?  Yes, it did start to get a little old.  Yes, I did make a trip or two to a store during that time, and we were at Sunday events at our church.  But it really was kind of nice to be home with not much to do and enjoy the time.
And yesterday afternoon it was good to come back to work after almost a week of not being here.  The desk was just as I had left it.  The office fairies that are supposed to come in and clean up emptied the trash and probably vacuumed the floor, but they didn’t touch the desk.  Probably that’s just as well, though.  I might not have found anything had someone cleaned it during my absence.
Facebook was a wonderful way to maintain contact with the outside world during the storms.  I have great friends, and for the most part they are careful to not inject a lot of politics or bad thoughts into their posts.  I know some are struggling right now with issues of health, family, job, or other.  They struggle sometimes to maintain an upbeat attitude, but I continue to be amazed at the resilience of the human spirit.  I feel a connection, even now sitting here, with those I know are wrestling with some issues brought on by the fallen creation.  And I hurt with them as they pass through yet another trial by fire, and pray God’s grace and love continue.
I trust that they too, knowing that their friends are also hurting and working with the darkness of this present age, are praying for their friends as well.  We all are in the battle of our lives.  Some of us are manifesting the scars of that battle more acutely than others; but we all show the effects of it, and ultimately will be consumed by it, if only temporarily.  For we all are destined to die and return to the dust from which we are created.  We have the sure hope, however, of life unhindered by the forces of this world and forevermore living in a creation that is neither corrupt nor decaying.
And that, I think, is what makes us continue on…to be as upbeat and positive as we are.  We know there is more than this.  We know there is something better.  And we know that we will be there because of the love of the Creator God of the universe.

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