Friday, December 27, 2013

Grandpa's Early Christmas

No church today. Too much snow and ice. Looking forward to peace and quiet on this the day the Lord has made. No such luck. Grandkids are coming over to open presents. Uncle Mike and Lauren also here. Ordered pizza for lunch. Pizza gets here 45 minutes before grandkids. In oven.
Grandkids show up with parents and pent-up energy. Consume three pizzas, four oranges, many grapes, and who knows what else. Open presents. Paper strung everywhere. Much hollering. Boy gets 600 piece Lego set. Am hoping he doesn’t open the plastic packages they come in. Presents being admired, opened, and fought over.
Grandpa goes out and shovels snow. Much quieter out there. Thinks about day the Lord has made. Comes in. Glasses fogged over. Can’t see. Grandchild number 3 asks for super glue. Grandpa hasn’t a clue why a 3 year old would want it, and dares not ask, but doesn’t, fortunately, have any anyway.
Legos are open and a fire truck is in the making on dining table. Drawing stuff, modeling clay stuff, and other stuff out on dining table. Grandbaby Hannah snarfs down applesauce and tapioca pudding. Clean up grandbaby and take out of high chair.
Grandpa gets next-to-last piece of pumpkin pie. Plan is to eat it by holding in hand and not using utensil. Grandbaby Hannah can smell it from ½ mile away and beats a path to Grandpa. Give Grandbaby Hannah last ½ of pie. Feeds first couple of bites with finger as there are no eating utensils handy. Grandbaby Hannah bites finger. Grandpa asks Grandma for spoon and something to wipe sore finger. Grandbaby Hannah smiles and gurgles as she wolfs down pie.
Grandpa surreptitiously gets last piece of pumpkin pie, hides in kitchen, and eats it quickly before odor gets to Grandbaby Hannah. Grandpa goes to basement to recuperate. Much stomping, moving of chairs, and other assorted noises coming from upstairs. Grandpa decides to write about adventure as noises and occasional yells and arguments waft downward. Grandpa wonders if neighbor would like to have snow shoveled…after all, this is the day the Lord has made.

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