Thursday, August 10, 2023

Sorting Things Out

 I began this Thursday Thought video series over three years ago after COVID hit the world in an effort to maintain some form of communication with you, since it would have been difficult or impossible at that time to engage in more personal forms of communication.  Over that time, I’ve talked about many different topics and have offered, admittedly unsolicited, my opinions on various issues of the day.  I don’t have many followers…in the single digits is the norm…but I don’t do this so much for them as I do for myself.

Writing the script enables me to put my thoughts together into a more cohesive form than they otherwise might be.  I can look at what I’ve written.  I can re-write it.  I can change the wording.  I can eliminate it entirely.  I can do that before anyone else ever sees my thoughts and opinions.  I want to be certain that what I am saying is what I intend to say, rather than having to clean up some mess that I’ve made by saying something I might later regret.

And, when I read from a script, I don’t go off on some kind of improvisional tangent, saying something that doesn’t fit with the rest of what I’m saying, or which in some way is not appropriate.  I tend to stay on track a little better than I normally would otherwise.

I recognize that not everyone benefits by writing like I do.  People have many and varied ways of formulating and organizing their thoughts.  Some like to talk it out with someone else they trust.  Others may go to a quiet place and meditate on their thoughts for a time.  Some may want to be busy with a hobby or some other distraction while their thoughts gel into something useful.  Still others may want to literally sleep on it, as that seems to be helpful at  times.  There are many ways to “gather one’s thoughts,” so to speak.

My own thoughts have been a kind of a mess recently.  That may be one reason why I’m speaking in this post about putting thoughts together rather than on some other topic of the day.  Everything from the troubles of the world to who to vote for in the Wichita mayoral race this fall are part of my thought process today.  And included in that process are issues such as the state of public transportation in Wichita, the schools starting up for the 2023-2024 school year, the ever-increasing prices of necessary food and commodities, natural disasters such as the fires in Hawaii and flooding in other parts of the nation, the future of the church in this culture, those of our church family who are battling chronic illness, the specter of ignorance and want (think Dicken’s A Christmas Carol) growing in our society, the hijacking and politicizing of the Christian Evangelical movement, and a host of other topics.

Living in this culture, with instant access to the world through the Internet and social media has it’s upsides, but it also has its issues and problems.  The sheer number of things instant knowledge tells us that we are supposed to be concerned about as good citizens of the human race overwhelms us as we struggle sometimes to just put food on the table and get the kids to school on time.  Our normal methods of sorting out those things we need to be concerned about and leaving for others those things we can’t address quickly become overwhelmed and virtually non-functional.  We begin to see the world with a doom and gloom lens and believe there’s no way out of the despair.  Mental and physical health suffer.  Relationships suffer.  Individuals suffer.

It need not be this way.  We can find ways to remodel, so to speak, our issue filters and methods of sorting out those issues.  We can look for things in this life that can help bring us calm and peace even as the world around us seems to become more chaotic and disorganized.

Look for the beauty and incredibly intricate design in the universe.  Look for, as Mr. Rogers famously said, “the helpers” when bad things happen…those who rush in to mitigate the bad things.  Create new relationships with others and enjoy their company.  Take advantage of healthy habits and activities of both body and mind.  Stop, and, to use a well-worn phrase, “Smell the roses.”

Above all, seek relationship with the God who created you, loves you, and desires the best for you.  Rest in His love, grace, justice, and forgiveness.

I’m reminded of the words of an old Christian hymn by Fanny J Crosby…they go like this:


He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock that shadows a dry, thirsty land.
He hideth my life in the depths of his love, and covers me there with his hand,

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