Friday, November 17, 2017

Won't It Be Wonderful!

I was listening to NPR this morning as I was driving in to work.  Sometimes I listen to music…sometimes to NPR…often the radio is off and it’s relatively quiet in the truck.  But today, the public radio station was already on, so I listened to that.  The talk was of the tax bill that currently is winding its way through the congressional gauntlet.  Evidently, the House of Representatives has passed one version, and the Senate is slated to take up its version after Thanksgiving.
The NPR story talked about that, but also mentioned a kind of dust-up in the Senate Finance Committee where the chair, Senator Hatch, got a little testy with the opposition Democrats who continually needle the Republicans with a “Benefit the rich,” cry regarding the tax bill.  Mr. Hatch took umbrage at that, saying something to the effect that it was ludicrous to think the Republicans were sidling up to the rich with this bill.
I then thought of those who were making these decisions…those politicians, party workers, and power brokers.  I thought about the fact that they haven’t a clue how I live, just as I haven’t a clue how the rich and famous live.  They have their own morality, their own ethics, and their own standards.  And those ethics, morality, and standards aren’t the same as mine or yours.  When looked at from our perspective, their money and power have corrupted them until they cannot see that they are way off of the boat and in deep water.
Of course, from their perspective, they can’t understand why we commoners have such disdain for them, calling them every nefarious name in the book, making fun of and mocking them…lumping them all into the corrupt politician basket.  “I work hard,” they say, “in public service.”  “Why do you not appreciate what I do for you?”
And then…then…I thought that it would be wonderful when the end of it all finally comes, and we can enjoy the eternal feast of God that He is preparing for His people.  No more Republican/Democrat/Independent/Green Party/Libertarian/Socialist/Pacifist/Communist parties.  No more wrangling over who gets the biggest tax breaks.  No more fighting over health care.  No more worries about North Korea.  No more groping/harassment complaints.  No more “smoking guns.”  No more Russian collusion.  No more abortions (or abortion fights).  No more Westboro Baptist Church.
Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.