Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fall Colors

The fall colors are especially nice this year in Southern Kansas.  I haven’t seen trees and grass with colors such as what I find now for many years.  The hues of red, yellow-gold, brown, and green simply defy description.
They say (there I go with those pesky “they” people) that in order to achieve such a panoply of color and hue, the creation has to go through a stressful summer with a general lack of rainfall.  It helps if the fall weather comes in with warmer days and cooler nights than normal.  We also have had that this fall.
It also is beneficial if the right trees…the ones that normally produce more color…are a part of the landscape.  People in the Wichita area have been good, for the most part, in planting a variety of trees and other shrubs and bushes.  The variety is almost astounding.
This, I guess, is just like everything else worthwhile in life.  Good things don’t come easily.  Where the brilliant falls seem to require planning and appropriate planting on the part of people, summer drought, and cooler than normal temperatures, so the good things that are truly important in life seem also to require planning, foresight, and sweat.
Of all of those important things, I think our relationship with our Creator tops the list.  This, too, is something that requires work.  It requires diligence.  It requires patience.  It requires dedication.  It doesn’t just somehow happen with no effort on our part.
Most of all, though, it happens because God has already done His part.  He has already shown us the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Door.

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