Friday, October 27, 2006


Today is Friday. It’s 6:20am. It’s cold and rainy outside, but from the radar, this may be the last rain we get in this particular storm. I understand this storm dumped snow in the Rockies and has brought down some cold, chilly air from the North to a large part of the country. It’s time. We need the change.
The girls are rousting out and are getting breakfast. That usually consists of cereal, either hot or cold, juice, and sometimes bagels and/or toast. They seem to like that about as well as anything. On Saturdays, we sometimes fix waffles or some such.
Several girls are in a state of decision-making right now. One has just enlisted in the Air Force on a delayed-entry plan and will go in a few days following her graduation in May. One has a grandmother who is terminal and must hold it together (decent behavior) through this process. Still another is deciding if she will continue to act out and thereby be removed from this place to go to a more secure environment. Yet another is trying to decide whether she has intrinsic value or not to both herself and others.
You get the picture. It’s always something here at the home. We have about a week to go before we get a week off, but we’re not counting the days any more. We’re doing fine, as I thought we would all along. Although there were times….
Thanks so much for your prayers and your concern. Our Creator is indeed overshadowing this place and yours.

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