Friday, July 06, 2007

Back Again

We’re back and going again here at the home. It has been an extraordinary vacation to say the least. Yes, we got the older son married off on Saturday and they are wrapping up a week at a Caribbean island. We had all of my siblings at the wedding and we had a good time with them at the motel where we stayed.
We then spent three days at the old home place in southern Kansas and cleaned, painted, tore out, tore down, and in general made a mess of the place…actually prepping it for better things down the road.
We camped out, some in tents, some on air mattresses. Some stayed in a nearby motel. In addition to the work, we had a weiner roast, birthday party, talent show, fireworks, and generally had a good time those days.
The house, however, was not in the best of condition and we found several things wrong that we didn’t know were wrong when we first started. So now we have added things to do that we didn’t know about before now.
But isn’t that always how it is? You know, it seems that when we try to do something…anything…the job never is as simple and easy as one thinks it is or will be. Those thirty minute jobs end up taking all afternoon, and a two or three day job ends up taking a week.
Regardless, the week was great and we accomplished a lot. Thanks to the family for helping out and for being there to celebrate our son’s wedding. I am truly blessed.

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