Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Often??

Last Sunday I went to church with two different styles of shoes on my feet. I don’t know if this is a sure sign of dementia, old age, or just inattention, but when I looked down at my feet between church services and Sunday School class, there they were…a left of one shoe and a right of another style of shoe.

At least they were both black. And I knew that I would be spending the remainder of my time there with my feet under a table, so that wasn’t really an issue. I don’t think anyone noticed and I didn’t have to get in front of anyone or do anything publicly.

I can just imagine, though, being tapped at the last minute to fill in on the ushering detail or some other such thing. It’s good that there are a lot of people to choose from in this church and that really doesn’t happen to me here. But still….

Has anything happened to you lately that is in the same or a similar category to this? How often do we go off half-cocked into the public arena, and how often do we never know that we do?

1 comment:

Wild Flower said...

Ha. No, I've not done that but I have worn two different socks, and, I've actually worn a shirt inside out a couple of times.