Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Thinking

Some more things I’ve thought about recently:

A fertile hen’s egg goes from a single cell to a fully-formed chicken in 21 days. The chicken is, almost from the moment of hatching, capable of drinking, eating, walking, scratching in the dirt, and many other instinctive things that chickens do. How can all of that information be packed into a single cell and that cell transformed in 21 days into a complex organism?

While we’re on the subject of chickens, if you know anything of the habits and ways of chickens in their more natural environment (on the ground or free-range), you know also that they are a marvelous and wondrous creation. They may not have the largest brains in the world, but they have been given wonderful and amazing abilities by the Creator.

Can anyone tell me why many people say “hot water heater” instead of just “water heater”? I’m guilty. Are you?

So, is it really ArKANsas? Or is it ARkanSAW?

Do politicians running for office ever really answer the questions posed to them in debates?

According to Wiki, no century ever starts on a Sunday. If true, isn’t that strange?

Why do morticians mostly all look the part?

I wonder what percentage of our national oil consumption is taken up by private automobiles? That’s where everyone is wanting to conserve, but are there other parts of our society that take as much or more oil daily that could conserve as well? What about commercial vehicles? Industrial uses of oil? Other uses?

If the universe is young (circa 5,000 years), but God created it to look mature and old, did God deceive us?

Since some of the months of our calendar are named after gods of myth and legend, should Christians adopt other names for our months? Is the use of these names tacit approval of these gods? Isn’t this the same basic argument used by those who don’t celebrate Christmas because of its pagan roots?

Will we ever get back to civility and cooperation in Washington?

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