Saturday, August 01, 2009

Spiders and Things

Tonight I saw the first orb spider and her web outside. Is that a harbinger of the fall season to come?
I had gone out the front door to just look around about 10:15 tonight and saw right beside the outdoor light a web and large orb spider right in the middle of it. She had built in a good place as the light was on and was attracting bugs. It looked like a few had already been caught.
I am fascinated by these spiders and the engineering that they do when they build a web. They must have a sense of where they are and what is in their near environment in order to fasten the web to the right places. They must also have some sense of weather, wind, and other factors.
I’ve never seen a spider build a web. I’d love to do that. One of these days, maybe I’ll get the chance.
Otherwise, this day was a great day. The temperature was about 80 degrees and the wind was cool from the north. There were birds and dragonflies in the air and the day was one of general chores and relaxation from the harried work week just past. Those kinds of days are few and far between, it seems.
Tomorrow will be warmer, but pleasant, they say. Perhaps by evening I’ll be ready for the work week to come, but for now I’ll enjoy this evening and night.

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