Thursday, March 22, 2012

Saving The World

My cousin, who lives in Arizona, has posted a link on Facebook to a blog written by someone else that talks about the Gulf oil spill, conservation, and how we utilize the natural resources available to us. Now, I know that some of these folks are pretty much out in left field when it comes to this topic, and many are just plain hypocritical, using the very resources they rail against in a way that is neither productive or conserving.
Others consume, consume, consume, never giving second thought to the ramifications of that kind of lifestyle. They poo poo any idea that we should conserve and use our resources wisely, and discredit any notion that we may be running short of this resource or that resource. There really is a middle road. And there is a spiritual principle to apply as well. And that’s where I’m going with this writing.
Judicious use of resources is not only wise insofar as conservation, environmental change, and cost are concerned. Wise and prudent use of resources is being a good steward of what we have been given, and that’s as much a spiritual principle as it is economic, environmental, and practical.
For those of us who believe the Bible is God’s communication to mankind, we know that God expects us to use the things He has freely given us; that He expects us to use moderation in all things; that we are to be good stewards; and that we are to not be covetous, selfish, or greedy.
My personal opinion (and that’s about all it’s worth) is those principles apply even in such mundane arenas of life as driving habits (gas mileage, wear and tear, etc), thermostat settings, dealing with trash and garbage (no illegal dumping, littering, or polluting), purchases, saving, and consumption. We’d better at least think before we mash the pedal to the floor to jerk around some guy going two miles an hour slower than we are on the road. Do we really need our house to be 68 degrees in 100 degree heat? Won’t 74 work just as well? Why not throw away that Wendys sack properly instead of letting it float out the window on the road? Do we really need the latest and greatest TV, pickup truck, shoes, or electronic device? Shouldn’t we be saving at least a few percent of our income?
I know those things in and by themselves won’t save the world. However, nowhere in scripture does it say we need to do that. It just tells us to be modest, moderate, and good stewards. If we’d only take the Bible at its word and not try to read too much into it or rationalize it away…but that’s fodder for another blog another time.

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