Thursday, June 27, 2024

OK, I'll Just Say It

 Good morning!

 OK, I’ll just say it.  It’s hot.  And it’s dry.  We’re in the dog days of August in late June in Kansas.  Sometimes during this time of the year, a cool front will come through and drop the temperature a few degrees for a day or so, then the heat dome builds up again and we're back in the hot soup.

We also receive tantalizing hints of rain most days.  But most days the rain doesn’t get to where we are.  The main source of water for the City of Wichita and most of Sedgwick County is Cheney Lake…but it’s getting lower and lower as the rains mostly miss the area in Kansas that drain into the lake.  We may well be receiving more water restrictions than what are now voluntary before too much longer.  We’re well below conservation pool now at the lake, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get much better any time soon.

Of course, we could be in other parts of the Midwest where there is way too much water.  Rivers and streams are out of their banks.  Dams are in danger of collapse.  Homes and businesses are flooded.

I don’t know if you’ve been in a flooding situation or not.  As you may imagine, it’s just a mess.  Trash, mud, and general destruction is all around.  The water is polluted and not fit for people to be messing with or to be in.  The clean up is hazardous and time consuming.  Most insurance policies will not cover flooding, and flood insurance can be out of reach for many.  As I said, it’s just a mess.  I sometimes wonder if, having to choose between flooding and tornado hitting my home, I might just choose the tornado.

Of course, the heat outside is largely mitigated for many of us who have air conditioners in our homes, offices, and vehicles.  The cost of having and using that air conditioning isn’t minimal, and there are many who cannot afford it.

Then there are those who are unhoused.  They’re out in the elements whether they want to be or not.  Yes, there are public buildings where they can congregate.  And yes, there are some…I repeat SOME…shelter beds for men, women, and families.  But there aren’t nearly enough to house everyone.  Many make do by being in the shade, finding water and electrolytes in various places, and just doing without.  It’s not easy being outside in this kind of weather.  And just as it is when it is extremely cold outside, the heat takes its toll on the weak and sick.  People become ill, and some don’t make it to the next day.

So, what has all of this got to do with the Thursday Thought for this week?  Just this.  Earlier today, Curtis, our lead minister and I had a prayer time.  We try to do this every week.  Sometimes we think of those in our congregational or blood families who are hurting or in some kind of need.  Sometimes we talk about our respective work at the church.  However, our main topic of conversation today was the incredible blessings each of our families experience each day.

We talked about the fact that we have enough, and more than enough.  We thought about times when we meet and interact with those who may well not have enough…who may be alone…who may be unhoused or without transportation.

We talked some about a man who came into the office yesterday afternoon…didn’t ask for anything such as food or water…but who just wanted to be given the dignity of being heard.  He was a scruffy-looking individual.  His appearance was years beyond his actual age.  And he was a Gay man.  It was very evident his life had not been easy.  According to him, he had been turned away from some other churches that day, and ended up here in our office pouring out his soul.  We had no ready answers for him, but validated his self-worth as a human by listening.  Curtis prayed over him.  We gave him some water.  And he went on his way, at least having been afforded a dignified hearing by someone who genuinely cared.

I don’t know what your lot in life is right now.  You may be in the arms of a comfortable existence.  Or you may be in some kind of great need.  You may be the picture of health.  Or you may be battling some kind of dreaded illness.  We all are in different stages of life and living.  Regardless of our circumstance, the two greatest commands are still in force.  Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.  On these hinge all that is good, right, and beautiful in life.


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