Thursday, June 06, 2024


 Good morning!  I don’t know about you, but from time to time, life and living prompt questions in my mind for which I have no answers.  Oh, I’m not necessarily talking about questions such as “Who am I?”  “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?”  Those kinds of questions are indeed good and proper questions everyone should consider.  But the ones I’m thinking of have more to do with what I see and hear in everyday life and conversation.  Here are a few examples.

 Why do people complain about the economy, complaining that they never have any money when I see them living in huge houses, driving seventy thousand dollar vehicles, and taking the 24 foot boat and equally fancy camper to the lake for the week?

Do they not know where their money is going?  Do they not understand how horribly expensive it is to maintain that lifestyle?  Or are they complaining because they have to pay taxes on all of that in order to fund the government?  Or is it a combination of both?

It seems to me that the priorities of some folks sometimes get mixed up.  Instead of a world view of service and generosity, it becomes one of who has the most and the biggest toys.  It becomes a world view of…well, I’ll just say it…selfishness and self-centeredness.

 And while we’re on the subject of seventy thousand dollar vehicles, why is it that people complain when the price of gasoline goes up a nickel, yet these same people seem to have no clue how to drive in a money-saving way.  They drive self-proclaimed gas hogs, drive 80 miles an hour in a 60 mile an hour zone, zip from lane to lane, accelerate quickly, brake hard, and generally become a liability on the road.

These are the same ones who are the first to spin out when the road conditions are icy…having to tow their vehicles to the body shop.  These are the ones who pay hundreds of dollars a month for insurance, yet don’t seem to understand the relationship between their driving habits and insurance costs.  These are the ones you want to avoid at all costs when on the road.

 And on the other side of the coin, what is it that prompts some people to continue giving…continue serving…continue loving…even when it hurts, and even when the gratitude is not there for what was done for others?  Where do people get the energy, the drive, and the passion for giving out water in the heat of summer to the homeless…for helping stock a food pantry that serves everyone in need…for cleaning up a grossly overgrown yard for an old veteran who is incapable of doing it himself?

What makes people volunteer for service to others…for paying the check for someone in the military at a restaurant…for giving an oversize tip to the wait person…for pumping gas for someone who has no money but needs the transportation to get to work…for driving a neighbor to her doctor’s appointment…for volunteering at the local public school…or one of any number of different acts of kindness and service?

Where does the compassion for others come from?  What makes people willing to give of their time, energy, and resources?  What is it about people that in some cases involves true sacrifice?

 And speaking of sacrifice, why is it that people will intentionally put themselves in harm’s way in order to save another person from some kind of harm or even death?  Even for someone they do not know, some people will give their lives in order to save another.  Where does that compulsion come from?  What makes people do that?

 I think I may have a handle on answers to the questions I asked first…the questions that involved what some people would call self-centeredness, greed, and pride.  However, the questions regarding service and sacrifice…I confess I don’t have the answers.  Some would say that it is the Christian or person of faith who does these things.  I agree, but I also know Christians who are self-centered and prideful.  I think they have some way to go in becoming more mature and Christ-like, but we’ll just leave it at that.  And I also know people who are nowhere close to being people of faith who exhibit great compassion and sacrifice for others.  The rule, if there is one in this case, has numerous exceptions.

 I’ll leave you with this today.  Which are you?  Are you one of those who is always complaining about life, even though you’ve been abundantly blessed with so, so much more than what is necessary for life?  Are you one of those who takes for granted the things that others are praying for?

Or are you one who, person of faith or not, is generous, giving, and yes, maybe even sacrificial in life and living?  Do you treat others, regardless of gender, race, religion, identity, or nationality with dignity and respect?

And, do you take to heart what Paul the great Apostle told Timothy?  Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but rather to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. ,(and then Paul says this to Timothy)  Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.


May God bless you this day.

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