Monday, October 09, 2006

Organization of the Heart

I went into the maintenance shop on campus today.  We no longer have a maintenance man, and those of us on campus are sharing responsibilities for that job.  I have been in the shop before to look for something specific, but this time, I just looked around to be certain that I had an idea of what we have there in case I need something.
I was pleasantly surprised at the good condition of the tools and the arrangement of the spare parts for electrical, plumbing, etc.  Someone has taken good care of that area.  So often, those areas are messy and unorganized.  Not so with this shop.
I had to think that the condition of that maintenance shop is in many ways similar to the conditions of our hearts…not our physical blood pumps, but the place of our being within us.  Sometimes, there’s nothing there but a big disorganized mess.  But when we allow God to come in, He cleans up and cleans out.  He organizes.  He directs.  He cleans.  And He keeps it that way as long as we allow Him to do so.
I hope we’re able to keep the maintenance shop some semblance of clean and organized.  It’s so much easier to work in one when all of the tools and spare parts are easily located, and the work area is clean and inviting.  I also hope I’m able to keep my heart clean and organized, as always, relying on my God to do all the real work in that area.

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