Friday, December 05, 2008

Musings About a Job

I won’t go into detail, but will only say that the week at work was certainly one of the more trying weeks I’ve had recently. With that as a very brief background, I’d like to offer some snippets I’ve been thinking during this time.

I have a job. There are many that don’t. There are some standing in the unemployment lines. There are some standing in the food lines. I’m not doing that. I have a job.

The job I have is not of my doing; it is a gift from God. He has chosen to bless me in this way. I am so grateful and humbled by His decision.

Not everyone recognizes the blessings of having a job. Evidently, they believe the world owes them a job. I hope they learn the better of that before something bad happens.

I could have a job where I place a widget into a hole 450 times a day, go home, go back to work the next day, and do it all over again. Thankfully (and for my sanity’s sake), I don’t have a job like that.

I don’t like to leave things undone in my job. I have left some undone things over this weekend, and I don’t like that. I couldn’t help it, though. The time just ran out.

The whole of an organization is greater than the sum of its parts. The organization becomes an organism in and of itself. It’s both awesome and scary to be part of something like that.

I’ll do this for as long as it goes…as long as God chooses to bless me with this job. Then I’ll be off to the next adventure. Whether that comes next week, next year, at retirement, or at the end of my lifetime, I’ll need to be ready.

I get more tired at the end of the week than I used to get. It’s only 9:30 and I’m ready to hit the hay.


Wayne said...

Your view of your job is interesting. Have I read between the lines on occasion that you are not always that excited about your current job? I think that with your view of your job you will succeed at whatever God leads you to do. God's best to you.


Anonymous said...

Yes - jobs are a blessing. Too bad more people do not regard it as such. And through the more trying times of our work - I guess the trials are there to prevent it from becoming routine or "boring." Adds variety, right? :-) Hope this week at work are a bit more peaceful for you. God's blessing to you as you serve as God's Ambassador at your work place.


The Looney's said...

I would love to share what I do with you..the motto is as you are blessed... become a blessing to others. My grandmother was a firm believer of this, as you know. I hope to have the same success in blessing others like she did...
Carrie Looney