Saturday, May 16, 2009


I’m sure that all two of you reading this have lost something in the past and turned things upside down to find whatever it was, only to discover that what you lost was somewhere totally NOT on your radar screen. That happened to me this morning. I lost my car keys.
Normally, I keep all of my things in the pockets of my pants at night. I take them out in the morning after I dress and transfer them to my new garments. I do that, I think, as a habit from my EMS days when I had to lay out clothes at night when I was on call. I wouldn’t have time to put anything in any pockets and had to be ready on a moment’s notice.
In any event, my car keys were not in my old pants pocket to transfer to my clean ones this morning. Immediately unsettled and out of my rut, I began looking for them, trying to remember when I last had them.
You know the drill. I looked high and low. I turned over chairs, looked in waste baskets, got on the floor and looked under things, retraced my steps, checked places several times on the off chance I didn’t see them the first time, and generally turned the place upside down. No luck.
Then for some reason, I thought about one more place…unlikely though it be, they just could be there. I asked my wife to check her handbag. She just turned it over on the bed and out they came along with 83 other things.
How they got in there is anybody’s guess. We both have an idea, but neither of us remember exactly what happened. It’s just one of those mysteries of life, I guess.
On an unrelated note, I heard a radio ad today from a furniture store. They were trying to sell their latest foam mattress. They were extolling the virtues of buying the mattress on time payments and said that, “Now you can sleep for less than two dollars a night!”
This is the first time I can recall where a price tag was put on sleeping. Next thing you know they’ll figure out a way to make a buck on breathing. Actually, some people already do that, selling oxygen to those who have COPD or some other ailment. What a country we live in!!

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