Saturday, April 09, 2011


I’m sitting here at the computer desk on Saturday morning with an empty coffee cup (just a sec…I’m gonna fill it), the washer and dryer going, music from channel 940 on digital cable (Classical Masterpieces) on the stereo (does saying “stereo” date me to the 1960’s?), having cleaned up from last night’s birthday bash for my niece (it really was in pretty good shape…just needed some touching up), and no one on FB or Messenger (at least no one I care to interact with right now).
I sent off an email this morning to my insurance agent asking about the 18% increase in our homeowners insurance and am THINKING about going outside to do some lawn and yard work so desperately needed.
Oh, and I have the ruglets (I don’t know what you call those little carpets in the bathrooms on the floors in front of the toilet/shower) picked up and ready to go in the washer…and am washing the bed linens as well, including the blanket.
Am I a busy boy, or what? Probably more like “or what”. I need to work on my Sunday school lesson for tomorrow and would like to peruse the hardware store for one of those little tillers that are good for small areas. And I’d like to clean out the garage and cut down the dead pampas grass out by the fish pond. Before you say it, I’ll say it; “I’ll let you know how this all works out for me.”
We had some storms rumble by us last night, but they didn’t drop any rain. So I’m also watering part of my yard that looks especially parched. Yes, we have a sprinkler system and yes, it seems to work fine, but I think that area has some very tough soil and it gets dry rather quickly there. I will make adjustments to my sprinklers later on when it’s warmer, because one always gets soaked when doing that.
We’re looking forward to summer and a little slower pace. The wife doesn’t have as much going on in her work and that’s going to be a nice thing. We plan to go to our family reunion in Kentucky this summer and we also plan to help our church teen group with one or possibly two trips to other communities to help with VBS. One will be in Minnesota and the other in Colorado.
All in all, much to look forward to, both today and in the future. God is good. His mercy endures forever.

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