Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Enjoy the Season

Today is December 17.  It is a week and a day until Christmas Day.  Now, I know and understand that Christmas has different meanings for different people and cultures.  And it has no meaning at all for many who inhabit this planet.  However, for many in our culture, Christmas is a time for giving, serving, and doing for others.  We take our cues for those actions and that attitude from several places, most notably from the life of the one whose birth we celebrate, Jesus, who is called the Christ of God.
I guess what I don’t understand about it all is the sense of frustration, harried-ness, and stress that seems to come with the season.  Although many go through the season with joy and gladness, usually those folks are the ones who, it seems, exhibit those attitudes all year.  It’s the rest of us who have our days and hours turned upside down with the sudden influx of parties, get-togethers, meals, errands, buying, traveling, and planning.  It’s the rest of us who seem to become a little discombobulated through the season and into the new year.
I’m not sure why that is unless it’s that we like, or at least there is a measure of comfort in, the ruts we are in and don’t like to be forced out of them and into another one for a few weeks.  I don’t think it has anything to do with the holiday itself, nor does it have to do with the celebration of the coming of the Christ.  No, I think it’s just a re-alignment of priorities which get us into a mood that is sometimes not very pleasant.
I’m not one to complain; I enjoy the season, the food and the fellowship; I especially am grateful for the coming of God in the flesh.  I don’t think I become frustrated or stressed out.  I’ve intentionally limited my shopping experiences during this time as well as my sense of “Gotta get this done.”  It seems to help me navigate the season with some external manifestations of joy and peace.  I don’t have to endure the comments from others more outwardly cheery than myself about being a Scrooge, and Eeyore, or questions about what may be wrong with me.
Nothing is wrong, at least in that arena.  I just don’t jump up and down with joy each time something good happens.
So, enjoy the time.  Enjoy the season.  Enjoy the goodness and mercy of God Almighty.  And understand that some of us are just a little more laid back, but enjoy those things just as much.

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