Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Living Without Fear

We’re getting ready for a vacation later on this summer.  Already, I am becoming a little nervous about it all, even though we are going somewhere that I chose and pretty much planned the schedule.  I get mild anxiety whenever there is anything that happens that is a little out of the ordinary for me, and this is no exception.
I think many people get a tinge of the anxiety when new things or things not in the ordinary come along.  Most of us can function just fine.  We go on and do what we need to do and no one knows otherwise.
But some of us have anxiety that disables us and makes us non-functional.  We break out in sweats.  We get chest pains.  And we become literally paralyzed.
Why is that?  Well, if I knew the answer to that, I’d probably be richer than Bill Gates.  But I don’t, and I’m not.  The fact is, I don’t think anyone really knows the root causes of anxiety, whether mild or severe.  Fear of the unknown, fear of what might happen, fear of failing and other fears may well come into play.  Of course, there can be organic causes of the ailment as well.  Who knows?
What I do know is that in the Bible, Jesus told us to not fear several times that have been recorded for us, and probably many more that haven’t been written down.  The concept of living without fear is a big one in the Christian faith.  Yet it is, I fear (there we go again) it is one of the most difficult of things to do.
So, if you’re one of those who can hide his anxiety and carry on with life, good for you.  If you’re one of those who becomes paralyzed by anxiety, don’t feel like you’ve failed yet again; rather, continue searching for ways to cope with the syndrome in your life.
And, this may seem like a platitude, but hear me out.  Whatever your anxiety level, you can truly cast your cares onto the One who can deal with them all.  If not in this life…then in the one to come.  And you WILL indeed live without fear.

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