Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Passing of Time

“I blinked, and spring break and ‘spring forward’ was here.”  I haven’t really said this aloud, but have been thinking it for the last few days.  Spring break for the public schools around here starts this weekend, and the spring forward for Daylight Saving Time happens at 2am this coming Sunday morning.
It’s also been warmer than normal the past few weeks, which has prompted the swelling of buds, the leafing out of the early shrubs and trees, and the popping up of tulips and other early flowers.  I’ve even seen a few insects flying around in the evening around our front porch light (I wonder how they got there this soon?).
Kids are playing outside in the yards and streets.  People are using the walking paths in the park.  Birds are more active now.  And that itch to get outside and get some yard work done is becoming stronger each day.
I am amazed at the rapid passing of time.  When I was a youngster, I remember thinking that the summer days would never end.  There were endless things to do outside; innumerable places to explore, and as far as work was concerned, the field work, it seemed, went on and on.  I couldn’t wait for school to end.  And I couldn’t wait for it to start again in September.
Now, it seems that September runs squarely into April, and April runs squarely into December.  Wasn’t it only a few weeks ago that we were celebrating Thanksgiving with the family?  And wasn’t it but a year or so ago when we moved into our home by the park?  Oh, and you’re telling me that my older brother is now 76 years old??  Whatever happened to his 40s and 50s?
In just a few years, our older son will hit 40.  Shoot, I remember my 40th birthday very well…it was only a couple of years ago, wasn’t it?  And the grandkids are going to hit their teen years before long.  I thought they were still in diapers!
I know I’ve written about this before.  But I continue to be amazed at the swift passage of the days and weeks.  I wonder if I’ve made the best use of the time I’ve been given.  I wonder if there are things I’d like to do or need to do that I’d better get busy doing, or it will soon be too late.  I long to take the time to slow down and “smell the roses” along the way.  And I’d like to be able to impart the wisdom of slowing down and enjoying the moment to those who are always hurrying…always rushing…always occupied.
More and more I understand what James said in the New Testament.  “How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog--it's here a little while, then it's gone.”  That’s true, of course.  But it’s also true that each one of us is uniquely loved and cherished by the God who made us.  The time is rapidly coming when we will place ourselves at His mercy and claim the promises He has made to us.  Others will take our places in life and in the creation.  And the cycle continues.
My thoughts want to break out in praise.  I can think of no better than, “Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!  Praise Him all creatures here below!  Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts!  Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!  AMEN

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