Monday, April 15, 2019

Faith and Belief

An interesting question was brought up in class last Wednesday evening.  “Is there a difference between belief and faith?”  My response was that yes, there was a difference, but I hadn’t studied that in awhile and wanted to do more research.  So today, I did.  Here’s what I found.
The Greek for both belief (or believe or believing) is the same as the one for faith…some derivative of the root peithow (πειθω).  The word has a variety of derivatives and translations.  Depending on the exact spelling of the word and the context in which it is used, it can mean “to be of the opinion, have a mental persuasion, to give credit to.”  Those definitions fit best the English word “believe” or “belief.”  It can also mean “assurance, firm conviction, confidence in, sure, certain, guarantee.”  These definitions best fit the English “faith.”
As you can see, the word has a wide-ranging definitive stable, which depends in large part on the exact derivative of the root, and the context of the text it is part of.
As an example, in James chapter 2, the text talks about faith and works.  In that text, both the English “faith” and “believe” are used.  Both terms are translated from some form of the Greek pistis or pistos, which of themselves comes from peithow.  Yet the meanings are very different.  Take a look at this example.
“James 2:18-19”  But someone will say, “you have faith, I have deeds.”  Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.  You believe that there is one God.  Good!  Even the demons believe that-and shudder!”
The words that are underlined in that passage all are translations of the same Greek word.  Yet their place and context in the text give a very different meaning to each one.
As Christians, we need to take advantage of any textual helps that may be available to us.  Yet we also need to rely heavily on the translations to give us the proper nuances and shades of meaning.  We also need to have some mind of the context of the text as well as be familiar with other texts that speak of the same topic.  To consult only one source of information may well lead us into a place we did not desire to go.  May God bless us and His Spirit lead us to a greater understanding of His Word and Will.

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