Thursday, December 19, 2019

God and Inspiration

When we Christians say that the writers of the Bible were inspired, we are saying that the words they penned, although they were their own based on their own recollections, experiences, or knowledge, came as a result of some kind of prompting, nudging, or other means of helping the writer write what was written.  And that nudging or prompting came from the Holy Spirit of God, guiding (in whatever ways and means he saw fit) the writers in what they have written.
So, we believe that the words of the Bible are essentially God-breathed, and as such are inerrant and worthy of being read, understood, and followed.  We know that sometimes things are lost in translation, and we also know that there are some minor variations in the various Greek texts, but those variations and translation issues don’t change the fundamental teaching of what was written.
But what about now?  Are people inspired now when writing or speaking?  Or was inspiration only a gift for the Old and New Testament writers?  Most Christians would say that inspiration has ceased, at least as far as the inspiration of Biblical material is concerned.  But does God not play any role in human speech and writing anymore?  Are we totally on our own?  I think not.
I have only anecdotal evidence…things that I myself have experienced…to lean on, but I know that there have been times in my life where I was prompted to write or to say something that, when I thought about it later, asked myself if I really said that…and if so, where in the world did it come from.
I know that when I write, I sometimes can flow words and sentences such that the only way I can express it is that I get lost in what I am writing.  Then later, I read what I said and wonder where the words and thoughts they express came from.
The same has happened when talking with someone else.  Especially in counseling or mentoring situations, I have found myself listening to what I am saying, wondering if I am really saying it or if someone else has taken over.
I don’t pretend to believe that these incidents are at all miraculous in nature.  However, I do believe that the hand of God works through my thoughts and abilities to help me to not only create thoughts I otherwise would not have apprehended, but put them to words either written or spoken that convey those thoughts accurately.  I also believe God works through the latent talents and abilities of others to produce the result He desires, whether those abilities are in art, music, drama, writing, carpentry, food prep, accounting…the list could go on endlessly.
I believe God IS interested in our daily lives.  I believe God IS interested in how we use the abilities he has given us.  I believe God DOES guide us at times to fulfill His will in whatever ways he sees fit.  And to that end, I need to dedicate whatever abilities I have to his service, and allow him to work with me, alongside me, and through me.

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