Wednesday, January 22, 2020

These Days Will Pass

Toby Levering, preaching minister at our sister church Northside Church of Christ, posted the following today on Facebook.  I’ll comment following your reading his post.

Most days I take the kids to school.  And before I drop them off, we take a few minutes in the parking lot to talk & pray together.  It’s not always about super deep things, but sometimes it is. It’s my imperfect attempt to be a Deuteronomy 6 dad.
Right now, life is a grind.  Every day.  But as we stopped to pray, for whatever reason, it occurred to me that these days will pass. Their hands will continue to grow. This season will change. I will not always have these moments.
It’s just a phase so I must make the most of it. I’ve got to pause, get off my phone, slow down, appreciate these days and moments.  Because, in a day closer than I want to think, these days will pass.
To my fellow parents out there.  Whatever phase you’re in, appreciate it, make the most of it, and do your best to make God a part of it.  Whatever the phase, my job as a parent, is to glorify God and help my children get to heaven. May we make the most of these fleeting moments.

This is Jay again.  Toby is doing a good thing.  This time with his kids is precious and necessary, because life really is a grind, sometimes.
But I want you to key in on what he says toward the end.  “In a day closer than I want to think, these days will pass.”
It may seem like life goes on forever just as it is.  But you and I both know that isn’t true.  I speak from experience, just as Toby understands; “In a day closer than I want to think, THESE DAYS WILL PASS.”  Toby intentionally created those before-school moments with his kids.  You can create moments such as this as well.  So, create the moments…and do as he says…get off your phone, slow down, and appreciate these days and moments.  Because they will never come again.

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