Saturday, June 16, 2007

Worlds Together

We have a black and white cat that stays on our campus. She’s been here for several years, and indeed is a “she”. She stays in one of the drain gutters on campus and comes out regularly and makes the rounds. She’s not a tame cat, but she’s not really wild, either. One of the girls that was here a couple of years ago and is now back says that she has petted her, although I can’t get near her.
One of these days, I suppose, some disease or injury will put her out of commission, and the tabby will be no more. However, she’s managed to survive several years and seems to be in reasonable health just now.
I guess one thing I think of when I see her strolling from one place to another, as I did just a moment ago out of the office window, is that there are multiple worlds out there that inhabit the same space. The cat’s world intersects with, contacts, and intertwines with our own. And these two worlds have interaction with a great assortment of worlds and environments of everything from birds to neighbors across the street. And in many significant ways, each of the participants in this worldly dance sort of go their own ways and do their own things and make their worlds into what they want them to be.
Humans have a decided advantage over cats. Where the cat can only make her world the way God programmed her to make it, we humans can reshape, reform, and remake our worlds into many different forms and appearances. The choice is ours to make.
We can make our worlds hell-holes, or we can make them into the beginnings of an eternal life of peace and happiness. The difference, of course, is whether or not we allow God into our worlds. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather exist in a world with my creator than in a world without Him.
Next time you have a minute or two and aren’t doing anything (yeah, right), think about all of the people whose worlds make contact with your world. Think about what their worlds might be like, then decide if you need to tell someone about the creator of the universe who wants to be in their world and make it the beginning of a blessed eternity.

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