Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Kitty or a Truck

Lately, I’ve found myself with a kind of unusual problem. There’s been really nothing in the last week or more that has piqued my interest to the point that I thought I might like to write about it. Oh, there have been a lot of things happen, and I’ve seen a lot, but nothing that sort of jumps out there and says, “Write about me.”
That changed this evening on the way back from the “Y”. I was thinking about my sister’s birthday coming up tomorrow (the big 5-5) and was thinking about something she said when she was very small.
It seems that at a very young age (I don’t know, 3 maybe, or 4) Sis was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. She replied, “A kitty or a truck.” And I think now that both of those fit her personality very well.
Now, you may not understand how those two ideas could possibly be in the same personality, but trust me, they can be and they are. She can be at once a very boisterous and noisy person, letting everyone know that she is in the area, and at the same time demonstrate a love and tenderness toward others that would bring many people to tears. The room's dynamics and liveliness pick up by a factor of 10 or so when she enters and doesn't quiet down until she leaves. Yet I don't know anyone who has a more tender and soft heart for life and living.
She ready to relate her opinion on things and in her “rut” in many ways, yet is willing to change her life if it will benefit some other living creature (Lydia readily comes to mind). Her days are planned, yet seldom are those plans intact shortly after her day begins. She’s a great cook and would, I believe, cook for the whole neighborhood if there was a need there that she thought she could fill. And she’d do it regardless of what else she had planned for that day, preferring to serve others and juggle her schedule for the umpteenth time to make room for that service.
Yep. I think she’s fulfilled her childhood desires. She can be a truck at times, but is at her best as a kitty. I just hope Lydia doesn’t figure that out (grin).


Wild Flower said...

I appreciate you "waxing" about me in this post, but gee - I always thought I was much more of a truck than a kitty in every sense of the word. I do remember when I was asked that question and I remember my answer. I probably was about 4 years old. It was dad who asked me that, by the way.

MamaRedd said...

Like comments about peas, the kitty and truck thing will probably follow you as long as there is anyone alive who remembers you . . .