Friday, December 28, 2007


It’s been since Christmas Day that I blogged. Since then, much good has happened. The evening of the 26th, a man called and offered me the position I had been wanting with a new nursing home that was starting up in Wichita. The pay was even more than I had hoped it would be and I readily accepted.

Then the next morning, the Director of Nursing at the same home called my wife and offered her an RN job at the facility. So we are both employed, now, or rather will be shortly.

I would say something like “God is faithful,” thinking that since we have work, He is faithful to us. However, that is the wrong idea. I am grateful we have work. I am thankful that this chapter of our lives is apparently closing and another chapter of the great adventure is beginning. However, God is always faithful, regardless of whether or not we have work, are sick or well, rich or poor, homeless or have a home.

I believe that although there are many coincidences in life, there are also many times when the Hand of God is at work. I don’t know if my seeing the small ad in the newspaper was coincidence or not. I don’t know if my having a second thought about NOT applying for the job was a coincidence or not. Nor do I know if my taking my resume at a time when the man had time to sit down with me for an hour or more was coincidence or not. And I don’t know if having my wife with me (waiting in the vehicle) and the man asking me to get her because they were also looking for nurses was coincidence or not.

I do know that we have work. And the work is something we think we will enjoy and will give value to our employer for what we are paid. We believe we will derive satisfaction in our work, helping those who cannot help themselves.

And so I again say, “God is faithful,” knowing that even if we would not have work yet, I could say that with a straight face and in truth. And I know that whatever happens, we know that we are loved, cared for, and appreciated.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Indeed God is faithful in all situations. I know from experience too that its easier to say that when things are going well, but I totally agree that it is in the hard times that God's faithfulness becomes that much more meaningful.

Praise God for your new jobs! I hope that they work out for both of you.