Sunday, August 02, 2009

Role Model

Normally, I read “Parade” magazine, which is included in our Sunday newspaper. There isn’t usually that much in there that interests me, but some of the continuing columns, etc. have value to me. This week, however, I was taken by an article about the chief of police of Washington, D.C.
Her name (yes, “her”) is Cathy Lanier and she is a great example of someone who has not only overcome her childhood and teen years (she was a pregnant high school drop-out at age 14), but has taken on the (still predominantly) male establishment with grit and toughness.
I don’t know any more about her than what is in the article ( but I always like to hear stories like this. It does my heart good to know that people can indeed rise above the circumstance of life they are in and be a good role model for others in a similar situation. I am especially pleased when women or minorities are featured in ways such as this and hope the day will come when this kind of success becomes the total norm for everyone.

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